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Legal Assistance

Legal assistance is normally provided as follows:

  1. To teachers for problems arising as a result of the individual’s role as a teacher, such as arbitrations, Workers’ Compensation appeals, TPP disability, Long Term Disability and CPP disability appeals, EI appeals, certification appeals, and where charges have been laid;
  2. To the Provincial Executive during collective bargaining;
  3. To the Group Insurance Managers regarding group insurance;
  4. On general Association matters which may require legal intervention.

Members do not have direct access to the legal firm which represents the Association. Requests for legal assistance must go through and be approved by the Association through the Programs and Services Team.

• Legal Assistance for Teachers (Infosheet #17)

 Teacher Liability (Infosheet #18)

• Transportation and Teacher Liability (Infosheet #19)

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* Your employee ID can be
found on your pay stub.

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