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The governance of the NLTA is comprised of both the organizational structure and the operational framework.

The organizational structure of the NLTA is illustrated by the following diagram. Parliamentary Structue 2019 Biennial General Meeting (Convention) The Biennial General Meeting (Convention) of teacher delegates is the main governing body of the NLTA. The members of the Provincial Executive Council are elected by the delegates to Convention; policy and by-laws of the Association are determined by that body. Provincial Executive Council The Constitution and By-laws place full and complete authority for the direction of the Association between Conventions with the Provincial Executive Council. The Council is elected biennially and consists of a President, Vice-President, and 10 members. The President and Vice-President are elected by province-wide vote. The 10 members are elected at the Biennial General Meeting. The immediate past-president, by virtue of the position, may be an Executive member for the year immediately following his/her term of office. The Executive Council meets on a regular basis to transact the business of the Association and to consider recommendations from the Executive and ad hoc committees. Executive Committees The Executive operates through a series of standing and ad hoc committees appointed by Provincial Executive. Teachers from across the province serve as members of these committees generally centralized in one particular area of the province. The following committees are responsible to the Executive unless there is specific direction to the contrary from the Biennial Convention. Joint Council The Joint Council is comprised of Branch Presidents and Provincial Executive. It began as a liaison/discussion group and has now evolved into a decision-making body that assists in directing the work of the Association between Conventions. Governance of the Association, in reality, has become a shared responsibility between the Biennial Convention, Joint Council, and Provincial Executive. Branches An effective and efficient Branch structure is essential to the success of the Association. Branches elect their own officers and executive, manage their own affairs and set their own rules and by-laws subject to the by-laws of the Association. There are presently 47 Branches of the NLTA. See the link below for additional branch information. School Representatives Special Interest Councils
The operational framework of the NLTA is illustrated by the following diagram: op_framework As the diagram indicates, there is significant collaboration between the programs and services, corporate services, and communications teams in the day-to-day operation of the NLTA. An Administrative Leadership Team, comprised of lead staff in various functional areas, is utilized to assist the Executive Director and lead the operational activities of the Association in order to accomplish the mission statement of the NLTA and to action the policy and decisions determined by the BGM, Joint Council, and the Provincial Executive. Programs and Services The Programs and Services Team provides services to teachers related to professional development, benefits and economic matters, and the employee assistance program. Corporate Services The Corporate Services Team provides the business and corporate services required to operate the organization, specifically finance and administration, staff human resources, information technology, building operations and branch operations. Communications The Communications Team is integral to the work of both the Programs and Services Team and the Corporate Services Team and is responsible for all aspects of the NLTA’s internal and external communication and public relations. The Executive Director is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Association and is responsible for the coordination and implementation of all NLTA programs. This includes maintaining a liaison with other provincial and territorial teacher organizations and with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation to monitor and assess provincial and national developments and trends affecting education. The Executive Director is staff consultant to the President, the Provincial Executive and Table Officers, and with the President, represents the Association on most liaison committees with other educational organizations. He/she also has overall responsibility for the operation of the Association’s head office based in St. John’s.

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