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Association Fees

Full-time and substitute teachers pay dues of 1.25 percent of gross salary earned.

Parenthood Leave

In order for teachers to maintain membership and benefits while on parenthood leave, the fee is $5.00 per month for each complete month of leave. It is the responsibility of the teacher to contact the Association advising of the leave and arranging to pay the membership fee.

Unpaid Study Leave

A teacher may be granted unpaid leave for educational reasons under the collective agreements. Once the last pay cheque has been received, it then becomes the responsibility of the teacher to take the necessary steps to maintain membership in the Association and continue benefits related to that membership.

Injury on Duty and Workers’ Compensation

Any teacher who is in receipt of a lost-time accident benefit for more than two consecutive weeks will not have their regular NLTA fees (1.25% of salary) deducted as per normal. Instead, the teacher will have to pay only $2.00 per month for each month that he/she is in receipt of a lost-time accident benefit in order to maintain their membership in the Association.

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If not, register to receive important information.

* Your employee ID can be
found on your pay stub.

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